Happy Valentine's Day to All!

Here's hoping all of my readers enjoy a wonderful Valentine's Day, whether you celebrate the holiday or not.  The photo on the left is of my boyfriend, with whom I spent the morning putzing around Northeast Connecticut, in search of adventure.  Here we're at a waterfall which was mostly frozen, but for a powerful blast of water rushing through a frigid mouth lined with teeth of icicles.

Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays, as it gives me the opportunity to be as romantic as I want to be.  Like many, I don't believe in the commercial hype and expectations thrust upon us by greeting card and jewelry companies - but I do enjoy making a homemade gift or partaking in a "special" dinner alone.

There are so many great ways to make any year's celebration of the heart-laden holiday unique.  I decided to try out one of the ideas from my upcoming book, "Three Questions" - which was to spend the entire day speaking positively.  That means: no negative talk about others, no complaining, and an emphasis on compliments and a positive outlook on life in general.  Boy, was that a tall order!

I wouldn't say that I succeeded in my mission, but the evening is young.  However, I will say that simply trying to be more positive in my words did elevate my mood!  Give it a try tonight, and let me know how it goes!

Again, have a great holiday whether you're single or in a relationship.  Either way, love is all around you!

Tomorrow, we're back in the advice business!  Until then...email me at lisa@relationshipper.com.


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